Advantages of Outsourcing to Poland

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Poland, located in Central Europe, has become a well-liked location for outsourcing. Offshoring software development and information technology (IT) are two of its primary industries.

This is primarily because of the nation’s sizable, highly skilled worker base and inexpensive labour expenses. Discover the benefits of software outsourcing to Poland by reading our article.

Benefits of Outsourcing to Poland

Poland has been growing as a force in outsourcing software development for many years. Poland’s favourable geographic position in Europe and its emphasis on technological growth are both factors. The fact that Polish developers rank among the finest in the world makes outsourcing to Poland that much better.


Here are the main advantages of IT outsourcing in Poland if you’re still unsure if it’s the best choice.

benefits of outsourcing

Huge Technical Talents Pool

Polish software developers have the most skill among the nations of Central and Eastern Europe. According to the German Outsourcing Association, Poland is home to more than 300,000 skilled software developers. Polish students are very interested in computer science, intellectual property, and digital design services.

Every year, over 75,000 students apply to study computer science, and 15,000 computer science graduates find employment each year.

According to the Harvard Business Review, Polish software engineers are highly technical, which is a significant factor in why they score so well.

Similarities in Culture

Polish people are highly open because of their complicated history and physical location. Working with them is comparable to cooperation with residents of western European since they travel and study abroad.

Additionally, Polish businesses frequently collaborate with international businesses, and due to this knowledge, the outsourcing software development process goes quickly.

Strong Work Ethics

A strong work ethic distinguishes Polish developers. Because of this, you can be confident that your custom software development partner will highly value organisation and timeliness.

Thanks to the excellent work organisation, most Polish software development companies complete the project according to the estimated timeline and cost. Polish software development businesses are accustomed to controlling costs and advising clients to take advantage of time and money-saving options.

Polish software developers also recognise the value of effective client-developer collaboration. They’re open-minded and always look for the finest answers. On every job, they work hard to deliver top-notch work

No Communication Barriers

According to the EF English Proficiency Index, Poles’ language proficiency is higher than any other nation in Central and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, Polish skilled developers have one of the highest English proficiency rates in the world.

As a result, conducting business in Poland is more likely to draw investors. The absence of a language barrier is a crucial differentiating factor since we’re fully aware of how difficult, if not impossible, it is to manage software development outsourcing when English isn’t one’s first language.

High levels of foreign language proficiency are highly valued by outsourcing software development because they recognise the competitive advantage they provide.

Better Technical Infrastructure

The Polish market stands out for its robust technical environment. The infrastructure of the nation is now at a very high level. There are various reasons behind it. Several commercial and government projects have been launched to develop local infrastructure.

Despite many great countries to outsource software development, Poland is now one of the top European nations for foreign companies’ direct investment. It’s even more advantageous for your business to outsource to Poland since you can access reliable local development tools.

Poland entered the IT sector later than other nations, to its benefit. Poland could implement modern technology immediately, thanks to the later start. For example, software development is based on telecoms infrastructure from 2010 rather than 2000.

Processes become quicker and more creative as a result. Everyone considering software outsourcing to Poland has a solid reason to do so: the superior technology infrastructure.

Technological Advancements

Poland is a leader in technology developments like cloud computing (CC), machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). It’s since Polish programmers always adhere to worldwide trends in the IT sector and the country’s abundance of gifted programmers.

Thus, it’s not unexpected that the Polish IT outsourcing market is rapidly shifting away from traditional outsourcing and toward SaaS and cloud outsourcing, which are more cutting-edge approaches.

According to analysts, the market value for SaaS in Poland is expected to double to $536 million in 2024. The Global SaaS market will reach its maximum of $ 716 Billion in 2028. The growth of AI and ML in Poland shouldn’t come as a surprise, given the rapid global development of these fields.

InTechHouse being a Polish outsourcing company never stays aside from global trends. We understand that SaaS is a very reliable solution for certain software projects.

Quite recently we completed the Data Processing System project for the Polish company called ProNatura engaged in installing thermal devices to process household income. We are very responsive to all international companies that are concerned about the environment and are looking for green solutions in their production.

The result was a comprehensive solution with a large number of functions that correct the imported data including the function of correcting individual dates in the calendar. Now the company can search all information about the schedule for individual addresses in the city is available both via the website and the module of wholesale cooperation with the printing house.

Legal Regulations

Since Poland joined the EU in 2004, all legislative requirements have conformed with EU requirements. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a crucial law affecting all EU enterprises.

Each outsourcing business is legally required by this rule to treat all personal data responsibly. It’s beneficial for organisations that outsource software development to adhere to the relevant EU outsourcing criteria.

Additionally, Polish businesses offer outsourcing services to nations outside the European Union, including the USA or Canada, demonstrating their familiarity with international legal frameworks.

No Time Difference

If companies decide to follow software development outsourcing to Poland, they receive a perfect time zone for cooperation. Now there is no need to adjust to fluctuations in time zones, to force workers to work at uncomfortable times. Poland is ideal because there are practically no time differences and it is possible to create a comfortable interaction. The maximum difference between the most remote European countries is only 2-3 hours, which guarantees the clearest possible interaction between each software development team and a quick solution to emerging problems of the development process.

Where to find the top IT talent in Poland

Most tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have long had big R&D centres in Poland. Recently, global corporations have realized that Polish developers with high-tech knowledge and level of training.

If we are talking about outsourcing, it is easy to find specialists of any level and expertise in large Polish cities. The leading Polish cities for the IT industry are Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Crakow, and Poznan, and recently Bydgoszcz has taken the lead, having large representative offices of many European companies. Also, since the city is developing and becoming even more modern, Bydgoszcz can truly be called the best outsourcing solution for hardware development. There are not many companies in Poland that have workshops or laboratories that create unique products. But Bydgoszcz can boast of this.

Source: Poland Analysis, INTechHouse own research, Polish economy research, Capital Times

How to Find the Best Outsourcing Polish Companies

Many business owners are thinking about how and where to find a reliable partner for outsourcing services. Suppose you have a great idea, but you haven’t got enough expertise, time and skills to find

developers and responsible project managers, designers, quality testers, etc. At the same time, you understand that you are ready to give responsibility for creating your product to third parties and understand all the risks (low-quality vendors can be here, which in most cases either stand out with more than attractive rates). You will look for the best outsourcing points on the planet, and compare time zones and English knowledge, mentality and business environment. As a result, as practice shows, you will pay attention to friendly Poland and become stupefied.

If you haven’t got friends in the Polish environment, it will be even more difficult for you. On the one hand, attractive prices and high expertise, on the other hand, ignorance of where to move. For this, perhaps, there are various business platforms like ClutchAmplifyre, and LinkedIn.

The software and hardware development companies place their portfolios, experts can put up their notes, and you will go with whom it is better to deal with. When choosing an outsourcing partner, pay attention to

  1. reviews of others
  2. portfolio (the more diverse it is, the better)
  3. expertise in your industry
  4. experience in the global market 5) find the CEO of the company or leading specialists on LinkedIn, start a conversation, read articles
  5. make a call with 3-5 companies that you like and understand that these are your people

Our company has been on the market for a long time. We work with various industries and try to create as many products as possible that change the world for the better. Perhaps it makes no sense to list all our advantages. In this section, we would like to share with you the latest innovative software development projects that we have done for various outsourcing partners:

INTechHouse built an Energy Management System based on an ADC logger and master data application. Our Polish specialists have designed a complete solution consisting of both the ADC recorder and the master data application, as well as the media metering method. The challenge of the project was to match the measurements of 18 power receivers as well as at gas and power connections and create complex analytical dashboards.

INTechHouse made an effective communicative solution within a large public sector. Now the UK government agency had complex software to provide better and more effective support.

InTechHouse being an outsourcing vendor needed to create a solution for data security for the production company in the field of their replication to DC using DellEMC solutions. Our main goal was the installation and configuration of hardware and software for data backup and replication.

The Ideal Solution

IT outsourcing to Poland has grown in popularity over the years. It’s no secret that the market finds it difficult to attract and keep talented engineers. Retaining these exceptional people on board for the long haul might be challenging in such a competitive and dynamic labour market.

Additionally, there are problems with time and money constraints. Outsourcing to Poland is ideal whether you want to construct a web or a mobile app development. Poland has been one of the top outsourcing destinations for numerous businesses worldwide for many years


If you are still looking for the best development opportunities, then software outsourcing to Poland is a great option. Companies can get the best rates and experienced professionals who will share your business values. It’s vital to be attentive when choosing a partner and a country, you need to study all aspects and understand whether outsourcing is suitable for your project.